Campus wide announcements for students, faculty and staff. Be sure to subscribe to weekday email announcements to stay on top of what's happening on campus.
Compare book prices and buy text books at the Wildcat Store.
Provides support and resources to those who have been affected by campus climate incidents that may impact feelings of belonging on campus.
Application for on campus housing
Athletics department portal for student athletes.
For students interested in learning more about how to manage their mental health and recognize when a peer may need help.
Student-athlete survey tool used by the Department of Athletics
Educates students about issues related to sexual assault, relationship violence and bystander intervention, using materials developed by Everfi/Haven that meet federal training requirements.
Learn strategies for coping with college stress using this free, online self-help resource.
Volunteer Services job application set-up. Add an activity/event that needs volunteers, Update an existing activity/event volunteer opportunities, and approve/deny volunteers’ services applicants.
Find volunteer opportunities, Connect with community nonprofits, Connect with faculty and students in service-learning, Get involved with Campus Activities, Student Involvement and Leadership.
Manage your Weber Wildcard including Activating or Deactivating your card, adding money to the card, or viewing account statements.
Connect to employers, jobs, and career events.
Purchase WSU Campus Store supplies, textbooks, apparel, gifts and technology. Faculty can also order textbooks for their classes.
Sign up for a payment plan with the bookstore