Need Help?

If you can’t proceed past Duo, this page will help you start the Duo recovery process. You can request a Duo bypass code by clicking the button below. This will send an email to your recovery email address with further instructions.

  1. Click the "Get Started" button above to log in to Duo and generate a bypass code. Reminder, you'll need your recovery email account set up in order to get a bypass code. If you don't have that, contact the Service Desk to setup your recovery email.
  2. As part of the process, we'll send a one-time link to your email to get your bypass code.
  3. Once you have your bypass code, you'll use the steps below whenever you need to login to a Duo-protected application

If you need help setting up your recovery email address, please contact the Weber State IT Service Desk.

  • Click Other Options

    Click Other Options
  • Click Bypass Code

    Click Bypass Code
  • Enter Bypass Code

    Enter Bypass Code and click Verify